


Big vs boutique

Author Melad Aoun
Date 7 March
Author Melad Aoun
Date 7 March

In my early career, I worked for one of the “big four” accounting firms. Big offices, big clients, big invoices. While the scale of what I was working on was impressive, something was missing – a sense of personal satisfaction. We were providing top-tier service, no doubt. At the same time, I always felt I could do more for clients if I were with a smaller team.

BlueSky came from that experience. I’m proud to say that after many years, that motivation remains. My colleagues enjoy close client relationships with a sense of ownership that you rarely experience at a big-name accounting firm.

A smaller practice also brings with it the opportunity to create a better staff culture. I’m able to spend more time on training and development and find a place for everyone to move up.

At BlueSky, we present clear and defined pathways to career progression. We’re also able to share in each other’s successes and create a genuine culture of support.

We’re still growing, but we’re also mindful of keeping the balance just right. Many of my clients have been presented with a similar dilemma: keep growing with the potential of increasing sales but reducing staff satisfaction, or stay small and provide a potentially richer experience for clients and staff alike.

Everyone’s appetite for growth is different. At BlueSky, we’ve always been about being better, not just bigger.